Coaching With Michael & Claire

As a couple you are one. This is why Michael & Claire believe in using the 2-on-2 method for resolving marriage conflict, eliminate frustration together, and work together as a team to build the marriage of your dreams. That means your sessions will be both of you, husband and wife, with both of us. 

However, if you are looking for individual coaching, or if one spouse is unwilling to seek help, we offer help with that as well. We want to help you in your unique situation. 

Are you wondering if coaching is right for you? Book a complimentary breakthrough call with Michael & Claire to assess your situation and discover the right path moving forward.

What is 2-on-2 Coaching?

In 2-on-2 coaching, Michael and Claire will meet with you and your spouse together to walk through a proven system to eliminate frustrations, miscommunication, and indifference in your marriage and help you discover and create an exciting marriage that lasts forever. Typically all sessions are 100% virtual. Most couples are have a fully transformed marriage within 90 days or less. Click here to book a free call with Michael & Claire to see if 2-on-2 coaching is right for your marriage!

What is Group Coaching

Group coaching is a powerful marriage maintenance tool. In this dynamic program, you will learn practical tools that can transform any marriage from boring and mundane to exciting and life-filled. By surrounding yourself with other married couples who believe in the sanctity of marriage you will have a supportive community to walk the journey of marriage with you. The group coaching is 100% virtual and usually done as a follow-up on the 2-on-2 coaching program. Click here to book a free call with Michael & Claire to see if group coaching is right for your marriage!

3-5-Day Live Intensive

In our 3-5-Day intensive, you will fly or drive into sunny Ormond Beach, Florida and meet with Michael and Claire 1-on-1 and 2-on-2 a minimum of 3 times a day. Aside from your couple’s sessions, we will have a full itinerary designed to fuel your marriage during your stay including dinner dates, activities, and beach days. Child-care is included (and mandatory for couples with kids). Your room and board is included as you will stay in our river cottage. This is a powerful fully individualized package.  Click here to book a free call with Michael & Claire to see if a 3-5-day intensive is right for your marriage!

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Success Stories

"Michael and Claire provide resources that are very transformational. They helped us build a foundation for our relationship and inspired us to work together as a team! They are the real deal!"
Jon & Sam